ISO 14005 – Read my White Paper

I’m very pleased to say the expert white paper that I wrote for BSI (the British Standards Institute) has recently been published.

This covers the standard ISO 14005 detailing a phased approach to implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS).

Instead of jumping straight in and doing it all at once, this phased approach helps an organisation develop their EMS, allowing it to mature. This can be particularly useful for small or micro businesses that have limited internal resources (time, knowledge, budget, etc.).

Ultimately the EMS can mature enough to be, if required, certified to ISO 14001.

This white paper examines the phased approach methodology – where each element of the EMS undergoes a gap analysis, identifying and the delivering specific improvements.

ISO 14005 Phased EMS diagram

A maturity matrix is given to help with the analysis. This matrix goes through each clause of ISO 14001 and its requirements, showing what is required for extra maturity.

To help the reader, the white paper details two case studies, examining their approach to improving their EMS and meeting their own objectives.

See more on the BSI’s website here.

It’s a little difficult to find – the white paper is downloadable here.


If you need help with your own EMS or want to put in an ISO 14001 system, do get in touch.





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