From Access Economy to Zero Carbon – here’s the Environment A-Z
The environmental industry can seem a little cliquey to the outsider. Maybe we talk in TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms!), abbreviations or just use words that are so outside the sphere of ‘normal people’.
For years I have tried to avoid using the term ‘sustainability’ because it immediately turned people off – using ‘environmental’, even though this is only one of the three elements of sustainability, makes it immediately more understandable. As experts we want to get it right, but we do have to consider our audience.
The news site edie has helpfully put together a Jargon Buster.
This helps you cut through complexity and get straight to the definition & then gives you related content (news stories, blogs & features).
Helpfully, for some of the more complex issues (e.g. science-based targets) they provide more in-depth analysis & how to apply it to your business.
So check out the Jargon Buster & get talking about these important issues with a wider audience.
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